We are thrilled to present the cover and table of contents for the 14th issue of FIYAH Literary Magazine.

cover for FIYAH #14
Cover art by Dominique Ramsey

Features include:

Guardian of the Gods – a short story by Tobi Ogundiran
Uniform – a short story by Errick Nunnally
A Terminal Kind of Love – a short story by Veronica Henry
A Bonus for Ahmad – a short story by LP Kindred

Zombie of Palmares – a poem by Woody Dismukes
Autolysis After Lifetime Mentor Pursues Me While in a Relationship – a poem by Jacqui Swift


This issue will be available for individual purchase and accessible to subscribers April 1, 2020.

L.D. Lewis is an award-winning SF/F writer and editor, and publisher at Fireside Magazine. She serves as a founding creator and Project Manager for the World Fantasy and Hugo Award-winning FIYAH Literary Magazine. She also serves as the founding Director of FIYAHCON, boardmember for Diverse Voices, Inc., Researcher for the LeVar Burton Reads podcast, and pays the bills as the Awards Manager for the Lambda Literary Foundation. She frequently authors studies about the treatment and experiences of racially/ethnically marginalized authors in speculative literature. She is the author of A Ruin of Shadows (Dancing Star Press, 2018) and her published short fiction and poetry includes appearances in FIYAH, PodCastle, Strange Horizons, Anathema: Spec from the Margins, Lightspeed, and Neon Hemlock, among others. She lives in Georgia, on perpetual deadline, with her coffee habit, two very photogenic kittens, and an impressive Funko Pop! collection. Tweet her @ellethevillain.
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